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The accomplishment of this thesis has covered half a year,s experiment and another halfa year's analysis. It can not be denied that whole process is quite tough. Despite all theproblems during research and limitations, the thesis finally comes into being. However, thiscan not be achieved without the help of many people.

First and foremost, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my distinguished andrespectable supervisor, Prof. Qi Yuanfang, for his all-along supports during not only theresearch process, but the whole post-graduate year. He is the one who gives me inspiration ofthe thesis topic, enlightens me empirical method helps me conduct teaching experiment, andinstructs me analyzing approaches. I have to say that this thesis is born from his insightfulinstructions and warm encouragement.

Secondly, I also own my appreciation to Prof, Gongrong who gives me a lot ofinspiration, insightful advice and instructions.

And also, this thesis can not be accomplished without teachers of Foreign LanguagesSchool who impart knowledge to me and classmates who offer me help.

Last but not least, I would like to extend my thanks to the students participating in thisresearch for their patient corporation.


Tutor profound professional knowledge, rigorous attitude, improving work style, tireless in teaching others the noble morality noble demeanor, Yanyilvji, broad-minded toward others, chastity, amiable and easy of approach personality charm has profound influence on me. Not only that I set a lofty academic goals, grasp the basic research method, but also make me understand a lot of the way of getting along with people and Weirenchushi truth. From the to///picpletion, each step is completed under the guidance of the tutor, and devoted a lot of effort to the tutor. Here, wish to tutor paid tribute and heartfelt thanks!

This paper successfully completed, cannot do without teachers, classmates and friends to care and help. Thank Yue Baozhen engineering, Professor Zhang Ceng, Li Bingyun teacher, He Wanfen teacher's guidance and help; thank the Key Laboratory of Wu Hong, Lai Yanming, Zhu Xianjun, Cheng Haifen, Luo Xian, Liu Daoheng, Wu Shenglong and other teacher's guidance and help; thank FAFU Xie Yong group, Professor Professor Chen Lihui, Huang Liulian engineering concern, support and help;

During the three years of study, Wang Xu, Liu Qianjun, Tan Chengrong, Li Zongquan, Ho, Fan Juan, Kong Fangong, Wang Jian, Ma Minjiang, Wang Xiwen, Huang Youhe, Xu Lili, Mo Jialin, Guo Sanchuan, Li Jianwen, Zhong Zehui, Yang Qifeng, Liu Mengru, Yin Tanwei, Zhang Chun, Liu Ruiheng, Tu Qiliang, Hui, Zhuo Yu, Zhang Chengfeng, Xue Bing, Jiang Shoule Zhang Xiaochao, He Zhuoya, Liang Dongmei, Li Qiang, Liu Hao, Liu Chuanfu, Yu Dongmei, Lai Yurong, Chi Congcong, Cheng Xiaolian, Shi Haiqiang, Wang Shaoguang, and younger brother of care and help, to express deep gratitude. Without their help and support, there is no way to finish my Ph. D. Thesis. Friendship between students will last forever.


First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to mysupervisor, Professor Jia Aiwu. I have benefited tremendously from her criticalthinking and insightful viewpoint. Through his patient instruction,I finally focusedon the object studied in this thesis, and obtained valuable advice on aspects rangingfrom frame work constructing and data collection to elaborated analysis.

Secondly, I'm profusely grateful to my respected predecessors and teachers.

Without their precious suggestions, I could not have come this far in this thesis.

Moreover, I owe my thanks to my family and friends, who have always supportedme with their generous encouragements and praises.

Last but not least, I sincerely thank my fellow classmates. We share joys andanxieties, which propels us forward together throughout the arduous journey.


Upon finishing this thesis, I would like to express my great gratitude towards allthose who have offered me sincere assistance in the three years.

First and foremost, my hearty thanks go to my supervisor, Professor ZhangRuwen, who has given me insightful suggestions and constant encouragement both inmy study and in my life. Furthermore, Professor Zhang's painstaking teaching andvaluable advice have profoundly contributed to the completion of the present thesis.

Also, I own my thanks to all the professors who have taught and enlightening meduring my studies in the campus, for guiding me in the field of research work, whichis both challenging and fantastic. The experience and profit I obtained will be ofgrand importance to my further studies.

Finally, I am also grateful to my family and friends, who encourage and supportme and share with me my worries, frustrations, and happiness.



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