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2023-05-10范文阅读 0



Background+ My Opinion / Layout


Opinion One/ Advantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

Opinion Two/ Disadvantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Three + Supporting Sentences


Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages)





Background+ My Opinion / Layout


Opinion One/ Advantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

Opinion Two/ Disadvantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Three + Supporting Sentences


Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages)





Background+My Opinion


One + Supportiong Sentences(ss表示)

Two + SS

Three + SS


Restatement of My Opinion

上述结构中的supporting sentences在议论文中的体现方式是一些论证方法,如举例子(exemplification),对比对照(contrast& comparison),列数据(raising figures),让步(making concession)等来对自己支持的观点进行论证,使考官信服。


If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is


I live in a place where the environment is being degraded alarmingly and the desert is expanding Subsequently, the people around here are suffering a lot from this vicious environmental So to change the current situation is a great challenge for the people living I believe to invent an electronic plant grower is significant to curb the environmental

Firstly, weather condition is too severe to grow any plants It is not efficient for us to afforest in such a vast area Furthermore, if the plants could not get the basic supplies like water, amicable weather conditions, it is almost impossible for plants to The invention of electronic plant grower could be scientific enough, when it plants grass or trees, it will automatically put solid ice and other trace elements which could enhance the viability of Thus, the newly planted plants could easily survive in

Secondly, the electronic plant grower could do a lot of onerous works in the field and tolerate unfavorable It can extend to the most remote place to work where there are no residents at all, but could build up effective protection barrier to mitigate Furthermore, the electronic plant growers consume no water, which is precious resource in the They can work day and night and take full time of planting season to plant as much as

Thirdly, to afforest in such a vast and tough area, it needs numerous manpower for planting in short season and taking care of the As an advanced robot, the invented electronic plant growers could reduce the pressure of manpower and keep the live human away from the life limit

To rehabilitate the environment is important more than anything else here, but the environmental rehabilitation could not do without some high-tech duplicate of human being like electronic plant So I expect its birth with great


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One should never judge a person by external Use specific reasons and details to support your


What do you feel when a handsome gentleman or a beautiful lady passes by? Then how about a fat and short person wearing a dirty shirt? You feel differently? Yes, most people It's very common for people to judge a person by external appearance, because it's easy and direct, and it's Appearance is a very important aspect of a person and reflects one's Sometimes you can tell the person's characteristics from his However, in most cases, you cannot tell exactly what the person is like just from the external appearance, and ethically, we should not judge a person just by one glance at his external

"Beauty and beast" and "Snow white and seven dwarves" are two stories that are almost known by Although there are fables, there are deep meanings inside What you can learn from them is that people that are not so good-looking can be very good people And actually there are tons of examples in Napoleon is a very short guy, but he was one of the most famous people in the Theodore Roosevelt, former US president during World War II, is handicapped; but he is one of the most successful presidents in American So how can you tell about the people from their external appearance?

Moreover, there are other undeniable facts that show that a beautiful person may be rotten There are many prostitutes on the busy It's obviously that they are very beautiful, but are they really righteous people? A beautiful appearance is a good thing, but a righteous heart is more Finally, as we can see, it's out of question that we should not judge people just from their external The most important standard is their internal



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